Posts Tagged ‘contest’

Latest updates, new blog, new model
First some good news, my contest entry did make it to the top 10 videos! As a reminder the deal was that the judges picked the top 10 entries out of 143 of them, then the winner was chosen at random from those 10. The bad news is that I wasn't chosen. Oh well, Still I was picked as one of the top videos! Next bit of news, since I didn't win the trip to Japan I will continue saving my money but in order to kick things up a notch I had an idea. I'm sure you've seen the models that I've created and sold on My idea is to ...
Contest submission
For the past few months I've been working on an entry for this contest. Run by the author D. W. Jackson. The rules basically said to make a video promoting one or more of his books, 2-10 minutes long and include a link to his Amazon page. Judges pick the top 10 videos and out of those 10 a winner is chosen at random. The prize is a trip to Japan including the flight, hotel for one week, and $500 spending money. The rules didn't specify that it had to be video and he said Animation was fine so I worked my butt off to make sure I was in that top ...
Two new exciting projects
Keep an eye out for two things I'll be working on over the next couple of weeks / months! First I'm doing a tutorial for Next, I'm entering a contest to make a video promoting the books of a somewhat new author. The idea is a video but he says he will accept animation. In order to win the video has to be in the top ten, then of those 10 the winner will be drawn at random. The prize is a trip to Japan with hotel paid for a week plus $500 spending money. We have until January 1st to submit the video so that should be ...