Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category
Website was hacked.
Hi everyone, I wanted to share that a few weeks ago this site was hacked and everything was deleted. I wanted to make it clear that this site has never collected any information from anyone, so nothing was taken. If you had trouble accessing the site recently, I apologize. It has been restored from backup and everything has been updated and new security features implemented to ensure this doesn't happen again. I'm replacing some old plugins, such as the contact form, with new ones so if anything appears strange or broken, I apologize, I'm ...
New Demo Reel
I've finished a new demo reel after a number of years. Mostly new stuff and some new renders of old stuff. Unfortunately most of my professional work is under NDA so I'm not allowed to show it. You can find the new reel on the Demo Reel page linked above or right here: Demo

Scanning with Reality Capture
Reality Capture gave me a temporary license of their software in order to make Some tutorials. This is the first one with more coming

New tutorial for Adobe Fuse available!
I was asked by Kat (Kelly Meyers) to make a tutorial for Liberty 3D. It's a 1 hour tutorial showing you how to use Adobe Fuse to create characters including textures, hair, clothing etc. Then we take the characters to Adobe's Mixamo site to automatically rig the character and add some included mocap animation. There are a ton of animations to choose from! Also in the video I'll show you how to add your animated character to a LightWave 3D scene and how to load it into Photoshop with animation, 3D camera, and lighting controls! Check out ...

I was hired by a band called Kid Gulliver to make a 3D character of their mascot. I was only given a very simple line drawing to use as reference so aside from a few details I pretty much had free reign over what to do with him. The character was sculpted and textured in 3D-Coat, then rigged and 3 animations made in LightWave

I went to Japan!
My friends took me to Japan for my birthday! We were their from March 28th to April 10th. We all had an amazing time and met up with my friend Pete's friend Yoshi and his wife Sanae. We arrived in Tokyo at Haneda airport. In the evening and stayed one night at an AirBnb, then the next morning caught the shinkansen (bullet train) to Osaka which only takes about 2 and a half hours. The shinkansen is really nice, it looks like an airplane inside but a little less strict, you can walk around and a snack cart comes along to buy drinks and ...

Potato Planet UFO
Here's a shot of the UFO that I made for the game Potato Planet. This is just a still from their YouTube video. I'm hoping to get a better image from

Mitsubishi project
I recently finished up a big job with Alkemy X (formerly Shooters) making a commercial for Mitsubishi heating and cooling systems. What they call an "eakon" in Japan, almost every home there has one of these. I thought this was going to be a quick little project at the start but it turned out to last a couple of months. There are 2 versions of this TV commercial but my part is the same in both. The model of the unit in the beginning and the house model at the end. The house model is what really took so much time. They weren't really sure ...

Graphic design
I'm trying to do more graphic design to broaden my horizons. It certainly is a much bigger job market than just 3D. Perhaps the two could even be combined. This is just playing around with some magazine page

Mimei sketch
Here's a quick sketch I did on my phone today of the jVlogger Mimei. See her YouTube videos