Archive for the ‘Jobs’ Category

I was hired by a band called Kid Gulliver to make a 3D character of their mascot. I was only given a very simple line drawing to use as reference so aside from a few details I pretty much had free reign over what to do with him. The character was sculpted and textured in 3D-Coat, then rigged and 3 animations made in LightWave

Digital Tutors tutorial is live!
Ever wanted to build a helicopter? Need a helicopter for your latest action movie or crime drama? With my latest tutorial you can model it yourself in just a few hours! Check it out on Digital Tutors at the link
Two new exciting projects
Keep an eye out for two things I'll be working on over the next couple of weeks / months! First I'm doing a tutorial for Next, I'm entering a contest to make a video promoting the books of a somewhat new author. The idea is a video but he says he will accept animation. In order to win the video has to be in the top ten, then of those 10 the winner will be drawn at random. The prize is a trip to Japan with hotel paid for a week plus $500 spending money. We have until January 1st to submit the video so that should be ...

LWCad architecture tutorial is now live online
Recently I wrote my third tutorial for 3D World magazine This one on modeling a traditional style Japanese home using LWCad in LightWave 3D. It was available in issue #174 (November), but a few weeks ago they also made it available on their website for everyone. Find it at the link

Architecture in 3D World
The latest issue of 3D World is now out in the UK and digital download with my 4 page tutorial on using LWCad in LightWave to model a traditional style Japanese
Can't talk about too many details due to NDA but I've joined the team behind a new sci-fi Web series pilot called Stasys. To learn some more about the project and to help out with a donation visit the Indiegogo page
IMDb Page updated
I've updated my IMDb Page to include a TV pilot I worked on a few years ago, Scotty Chase 2075. I did retopology for all of the characters clothing.

I finished up the work for Schubert Communications, then did some work for a local artist, Naveen Malikarjuna. It looks like some more work might be coming up from Schubert. I'll find out at our meeting later this week. Here's one of the projects I did for Schubert. This was accomplished over a
New client
Last week I started working with a new client, Schubert Communications. They are located fairly close to here so I have met with the president in person, something I don't often get to do. I've already finished my first project with them and am nearly finished my second. Things are going well so far and I should have a nice collection of new footage for my demo reel